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Lekce angličtiny
Otoplasty – Ear pinning
![Otoplasty – Ear pinning](https://www.florence.cz/thumb.php?src=/uploads/image/issue_article/3263.jpg&w=604&h=200&zc=0;12;404;134&r=3&rbg=FEFEFE)
Prominent ears present a congenital malformation affecting one or both auricles. According to the statistics, protruding ears are genetically determined (the deformation is hereditary in approximately 60% of patients).
Mother: Good morning, doctor. I would like to discuss the possibilities of treating prominent ears in a child.
Doctor: Good morning, Ms Clark. Is it about your son?
Mother: Yes. It's about my seven-year-old son.
Doctor: First, we have to establish the cause of the prominent ear. The ears can be pinned back, but in order to do that, I would need to send you to a plastic surgeon.
Mother: Does it hurt?
Doctor: The surgery is usually done under local anaesthesia and is well tolerated by patients.
Mother: And how much does it cost?
Doctor: The surgery is covered by insurance for children up to 10 years of age.
Mother: Good. And what would he have to undergo?
Doctor: There is a pre-operative assessment and you should also allow for some recovery time. The doctor performing the surgery will explain everything to you, but generally speaking, your son will have to wear a bandage around his head for between 10 days and two weeks and then a headband during the night for one further month. If he does any sports, he should also wear it during the activity.
Mother: And are there any complications?
Doctor: Surgical complications may occur at any time, but they are rare with this type of operation.
Mother: Alright. Thank you, doctor.
Doctor: You are welcome. I'll fill in the form for you.
to pin | přišít; přišpendlit |
prominent | odstávající, vyčnívající; nápadný, výrazný, markantní |
protruding | odstávající, přečnívající, vyčnívající, vypoulený |
hereditary | Dědičný |
to pin back | přišít; napnout uši (fig.) |
to allow for | počítat s |
bandage | obvaz; obinadlo |
headband | Čelenka |
Lekce angličtiny pro časopis Florence připravuje překladatelská agentura ACP TRADUCTERA (www.traductera.com).
Ilustrační foto – zdroj: www.khattab.com