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Nappy Rash

Datum: 22. 1. 2016
Nappy Rash

Nappy or diaper rash is a common name for a series of infant dermatitis symptoms. They appear most often in infants, but can persist even in toddlers. Infant nappy rash is an umbrella term for the following skin conditions: intertrigo, napkin dermatitis, infant atopic eczema and contact eczema.

Mother: Good morning, nurse. We've come for a check-up for the baby.

Nurse: Good morning, Ms Johnson. Come right in, we've been expecting you.

Mother: Good morning, doctor. We've come for a regular check-up.

Doctor: Good morning, Ms Johnson. Put your son on the changing table and undress him, please.

Doctor: Well, the boy has a little nappy rash. How do you treat the skin underneath the nappies?

Mother: Well, every time I change a nappy, I clean his bottom with baby wipes to remove the rest of urine and stool from the skin and then I put on a nappy cream.

Doctor: That's correct. And how often do you change his nappies?

Mother: Several times a day. I don't know... maybe five times a day?

Doctor: Hmm, that's not enough. Even if you're using high-quality disposable nappies, you should change them more often, at least seven times a day and once during the night.

Mother: All right.  And what should I do now that he has already the rash?

Doctor: Now I'll give you a cream to apply to his skin after every nappy change. When you're at home, leave his nappy off sometimes so his skin can breathe.  Change the nappies more frequently and if the rash persists, I would recommend trying a different brand of nappies and even the wipes and other preparations you use. If the redness gets worse, or if pimples appear and the baby is restless and sleeps badly, come to see me immediately.

Mother: All right. Thank you very much, doctor.

Doctor: You're welcome. And now, let's finish his check-up.

nappy/diaper rash opruzeniny
nappy (BrE), diaper (AmE) plenka
a series of řada, série, několik
infant kojenec
persist přetrvávat; vytrvat, nepolevovat
toddler batole
umbrella term souhrnné označení, souhrnný název
skin conditions kožní problémy, potíže
changing table přebalovací pult
to undress vysvléci (se), odstrojit (se)
underneath pod; dole, vespod
to change a nappy přebalit, přebalovat, vyměnit plenku
bottom zadek, zadeček; dno; spodek; dolní část
wipes vlhčené ubrousky
stool stolice
disposable jednorázový, na jedno použití
brand (obchodní) značka
pimple puchýřek, pupínek, vyrážka
restless neklidný
immediately okamžitě, ihned

Lekce angličtiny pro časopis Florence připravuje překladatelská agentura ACP TRADUCTERA (www.traductera.com).


Ilustrační foto – zdroj: www.greenpeople.co.uk

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