Číslo 5 - 6 / 2024
Work-life Balance in a Nursing Career
Most people understand that stress is a normal part of everyday life. We have all experienced stress at school, with family, and especially at work.
Stress is a Significant Component of Healthcare Careers
Anyone who has chosen a career in healthcare can speak to the amount of stress they experience on a daily basis. Stress levels are generally high in any area of the hospital, as patients typically do not seek out healthcare when they are well. Nurses, especially, are continuously coping with sickness and death. In addition, as I have mentioned in previous posts, nurses truly care for their patients as if they were their own loved ones. Nurses are truly devoted to their patients, and it is not likely that nurses forget about their patients as soon as they clock out.
Burnout is a Concern
Due to the increased and ongoing amounts of physical and mental stress nurses experience, nurse burnout is a real concern. Burnout results in frustration, fatigue, disengagement, and a loss of passion for nursing. Burnout can also cause physical illness and emotional distress, which can lead to conflict in both work and personal relationships.
In order to reduce the risk of burnout, it is crucial that nurses develop a healthy means of balancing their work and personal lives.
The Importance of Decompression
Allowing for a period of decompression is a vital component of achieving a healthy work-life balance. Spending time with friends and coworkers who have similar work experiences is a great way to relieve some of the work-related stress that nurses experience.
Going out to eat after a shift ends is a popular stress reliever with nurses. Spending time with co-workers, away from work, helps provide relief from any tension or anxiety experienced during the shift that may be lingering. Relieving these emotions allows for nurses to then focus their attention and energy on their personal lives once they arrive at home.
Adopting a “me first” mentality can be a useful method of reducing stress and focusing on one’s personal life. Nurses are notoriously selfless, which can easily lead a nurse to feel like he or she is on the job 24/7. Taking time each day to do something enjoyable allows nurses to feel refreshed and revitalized, allowing them to then focus on their personal lives.
It can be increasingly challenging for anyone to balance their work and personal life. Nurses can have an especially difficult time balancing work and personal life because of the increased amount of physical and emotional stress that nurses experience. Taking time to decompress after a shift and remembering to prioritize their own needs are necessary to developing a healthy work-life balance.
work-life – pracovní život
stress – stres
healthcare – zdravotnictví
do not seek out – nevyhledávají
especially – zejména
coping – vyrovnávat se
truly – skutečně
clock out – odejít z práce
burnout – vyhoření
disengagement – neangažovanost
relationships – vztah
to reduce – snížit
decompression – uvolnění tlaku
achieving – dosažení
work-related stress – pracovní stres
tension – napětí
me first – já na prvním místě
notoriously – notoricky
enjoyable – příjemný
challenging – náročný
Source: Nicole Kraut, HealthStream. www.healthstream.com.
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