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Číslo 1 / 2024

Seven ways technology is impacting nursing in 2023

Datum: 9. 2. 2024

Seven ways technology is impacting nursing in 2023

Technology has transformed nearly every aspect of our lives – at home, at work and in the health care setting. Since the covid-19 pandemic began, developing and applying nursing technology has become a top priority in the health care industry, and this trend is expected to continue for decades to come.

Today, new nursing technologies are transforming patient care and includes everything from predictive analytics and mobile robotic systems to artificial intelligence (AI) and telehealth services. Expanding the use of technology in nursing holds great promise for the profession, offering benefits for both patients and providers alike.

How will technology change nursing in the future, and which digital tools will likely have the greatest impact on the nursing profession? To answer these questions, let us take a closer look at seven ways that technological innovations continue to improve nursing and patient care in 2023.

1. Predictive analytics

One new technology in nursing that holds great promise for improved patient outcomes is predictive analytics. With help from AI, predictive analytics considers data from past patients to suggest a course of treatment with the best possible outcome.

2. Clinical mobility

The term “clinical mobility” refers to the use of handheld digital devices – mobile computers, tablets and smartphones – by health care professionals in hospitals and clinics. Such devices offer greater mobility across the facility, allowing them to create a new, convenient point of care based on the location of each patient or family member.

3. Mobile robotic systems

In addition to caring for patients, nurses juggle a complex mix of daily responsibilities – everything from taking vital signs and administering medications to maintaining accurate records and providing updates to patients’ family members. The ongoing nursing shortage has made it harder than ever for nurses to tackle demanding on-the-job duties and still prioritize adequate time for direct patient care. Fortunately, the field of mobile robotics offers some helpful solutions.

4. Artificial intelligence in clinical decision support

In health care, AI is invaluable for helping patients make clinical decisions or take action concerning a diagnosis or treatment plan. AI uses information technology to automate the conversion of data into knowledge that helps guide the patient to the next steps.

5. Streamlined user interfaces

Many nurses still use outdated systems that “are lacking basic usability,” and this leads to fatigue, disrupted work processes and increasingly burdensome documentation.

Digital health user interfaces (UIs) can help nurses streamline their work, making accessing patient data more user-friendly and straightforward.

6. Remote patient monitoring

Remote patient monitoring (RPM) tracks patient health outside the clinical setting, using technology to transmit patient health data between patients and providers in real time. RPM is an important new technology in nursing because it allows patients to participate in their care from their homes, yielding psychosocial benefits and allowing nurses to stay abreast of any changes in their patients’ health.

7. Telehealth

Telehealth, or telemedicine, is a significant technology predicted to change the future of nursing. The term “telehealth” refers to virtual visits, usually through an internet-based video call conducted over a computer, tablet or smartphone, between health care providers and patients in separate locations. The ability to connect patients with the health care system is especially significant for patients in rural or hard-to-reach locations who might otherwise face a geographic barrier to care or go without it.


to impact – dopadat, ovlivňovat
to transform – přeměňovat
to include – zahrnovat
telehealth – telemedicína
to hold great promise – být velkým příslibem
alike – podobně, taktéž
outcome – výsledek
handheld – ruční
convenient – vhodný
vital sign – životní funkce
to administer – podávat, spravovat
to tackle – řešit, vyřešit
invaluable – neocenitelný
to take action – přijmout opatření
to streamline – zjednodušit, zefektivnit
interface – rozhraní
fatigue – únava
burdensome – zatěžující, obtěžující
straightforward – jasně, přímo
to transmit – přenést, vysílat
to conduct – vést


Source: Walsh University Online. 7 ways technology is impacting nursing in 2023. [online]. Available from: https://online.walsh.edu/news/technology-in-nursing. (enshorted)

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