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Číslo 5 / 2023

Rehabilitation nurses play a variety of roles

Datum: 16. 10. 2023

„Saving the life is the first priority, then the rehab nurse moves in and restores the living!“ Leslie McConnell, Association of Rehabilitation Nures Member

Rehabilitation nursing offers a gratifying career for nurses who want to use all of their clinical skills, make a visible difference in their patients’ lives, and work as part of a collaborative healthcare team.

Rehab nurses work with patients of all ages, and their families or caregivers, soon after the onset of a disabling injury or chronic illness. They restore patients’ lives so they have freedom and independence again.

Rehab nurses play many roles. They are collaborators, educators, care coordinators, advocates, and change agents. They work with other healthcare team members including physiatrists, occupation therapists, physical therapists, neuropsychiatrists, speech therapists, and many more specialists to create comprehensive care plans based on patient goals and maximum potential. Rehabilitation nursing is a philosophy of care, not a work setting or a phase of treatment.

Rehabilitation nursing offers so many opportunities for continual learning and professional growth because patients arrive at a rehabilitation setting with more complex medical conditions than ever before. No two patients are exactly alike – and no 2 days are alike. Rehab nurses use all of their nursing skills to manage complex medical issues and set plans of care for optimal patient function and wellness.

Rehab Nurses Treat: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, amputation, brain injury, burns, cancer, cardiovascular, cerebral palsy, Guillain-Barre syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, major joint replacements, multiple sclerosis, organ transplant, pulmonary disease, spinal cord injury or stroke.

Rehab nurses practice across the post-acute care continuum – community hospitals, freestanding rehabilitation facilities, home health agencies, hospitals (inpatient and outpatient rehab units), insurance and health maintenance organizations (HMO), long-term acute care, private practice, skilled nursing with rehab, subacute facilities, universities and teaching hospitals.


to restore – obnovit; vrátit
gratifying – potěšující, milý
as part of – jako část, součást
caregiver – pečovatel
onset – nástup
independence – nezávislost, samostatnost
educator – vzdělavatel
occupation therapist – ergoterapeut
physical therapist – fyzioterapeut
speech – řeč
comprehensive – komplexní
opportunity – příležitost
growth – růst
alike – podobný; stejný
to set – nastavit; sestavit
cerebral palsy – dětská mozková obrna
joint replacement – náhrada kloubů
spinal cord – mícha
stroke – mrtvice
inpatient – lůžkový
outpatient – ambulantní
maintenance – udržení, udržování


Source: ASSOCIATION OF REHABILITATION NURSES. Rehabilitation nurses play a variety of roles. [online]. Available from: https://rehabnurse.org/about/roles-of-the-rehab-nurse.

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