Florence podporuje  
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Číslo 5 / 2017


Datum: 9. 5. 2017
Autor: Traductera

Sunburn is usually not serious skin damage and does not require medical aid. However, in more severe cases, when the person is burnt over a large area, or there is blistering of the skin, or the sunburn is accompanied by other symptoms, such as rash, itching or fever, medical aid should be sought.

Patient: Good morning, nurse.

Nurse: Good morning, Mr Sheen. What happened to you?

Patient: We got back from Egypt, where I got sunburnt. There are blisters on my skin and I have a terrible headache.

Nurse: Do you have fever?

Patient: I don't know, but I had it at night.

Nurse: Well, wait a moment; I'll call the doctor.

Patient: Thank you. And how is it treated, nurse?

Nurse: It depends on the degree of the burns. Mild sunburn is treated by cooling the skin and applying after-sun creams. Alternatively, the doctor may prescribe mild corticosteroids with anti-inflammatory effect.

Patient: So, no drugs?

Nurse: The reaction can be also calmed by administering anti-inflammatory drugs. In severe sunburn, bed rest is recommended. It is also possible to hospitalise the patient and treat them with infusion. But I don't think this is going to be your case.

Patient: Good. Thank you.

Nurse: You're welcome.

sunburn spálení sluncem; opálení
aid pomoc
to accompany doprovázet, doprovodit
rash vyrážka
itching svědění, svrbění
to seek (past and past participle sought) hledat, vyhledávat; ucházet se, žádat
alternatively případně, nebo, jinak, alternativně
to calm zklidnit, uklidnit
bed rest klid na lůžku

Lekce angličtiny pro časopis Florence připravuje překladatelská agentura ACP TRADUCTERA (www.traductera.com).


Ilustrační foto – zdroj: forwardforty.com

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