Číslo 6 / 2016
Treating Scars
The right technique and appropriate dressing are the key factors for successful healing. However, there is a whole range of other factors that contribute to the final result. Some people have barely visible scars, while others have scars that are raised, red, or the skin is even wrinkled. Genetic factors, overall health and nutrition, as well as other factors, play an important role.
Patient: Good morning, nurse.
Nurse: Good morning, Ms Scruton.
Patient: I‘ve come to ask how to take care of the scar I have after an appendectomy. I have only recently undergone the operation and I want the scar to heal well.
Nurse: The doctor will check it. Take a seat in the meanwhile.
Patient: Thank you. And are there any general recommendations on how to take care of the scar, nurse?
Nurse: It is very important to keep the wound clean. Moreover, it is crucial not to strain the tissue. Tissues need approximately six weeks to heal properly. During this period, it is not advisable to do exercise or any similar activities.
Patient: They also talked about massages in the hospital. How do I massage it?
Nurse: Yes, it is recommended to massage the scar. Apply a greasy cream in the area surrounding the wound as it will relax the scar tissue and help prevent wrinkling. It is also good to apply pressure to the scar with your fi ngers for about a half-minute, and this way, massage the tissue along the wound. However, don’t use a sideways movement.
Patient: Is sunbathing OK?
Nurse: During the fi rst three months, the scar should not be exposed to direct sunlight. It is prone to hyperpigmentation, so use sun-blocking cream with a high sun protection factor when exposed to sunlight.
Patient: Thank you very much.
Nurse: You are welcome.
to contribute | přispět, přispívat; mít podíl na; být jednou z příčin |
barely | sotva, stěží, taktak |
raised | vystouplý; vypouklý; vyvýšený, zvýšený, zvednutý |
even | dokonce |
wrinkled | svraštělý, vrásčitý, zvrásnělý; krabatý; scvrklý |
overal | celkový, souhrnný |
in the meanwhile | mezitím, zatím; prozatím |
to strain | namáhat, přepínat; napínat |
properly | vhodně; řádně, důkladně; správně, náležitě |
advisable | vhodný, žádoucí; doporučený; záhodno |
greasy cream | mastný krém |
sunbathing | opalování |
to expose | vystavovat, vystavit; odhalit, odkrýt, obnažit; vydat |
prone | náchylný, mít sklon; podléhající; nakloněný; příkrý |
Lekce angličtiny pro časopis Florence připravuje překladatelská agentura ACP TRADUCTERA (www.traductera.com).
Ilustrační foto – zdroj: www.dermeffacefx7.com
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