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Číslo 9 / 2015

Hormonal contraception

Datum: 7. 9. 2015
Autor: Traductera
Hormonal contraception

Hormonal contraception prevents ovulation and conception. It is available in a variety of forms, such as tablets taken orally, subcutaneous implants, injections, patches, intrauterine devices (coils) or vaginal rings.  There are two types of contraception for oral use – combined oral contraceptives and progestogen-only pills

Patient: Good morning, nurse. I've come for an appointment.

Nurse: Good morning, Ms Joyce. Can you please give me your Health Insurance Card? Then you can take a seat.


Patient: I would like to start using hormonal contraception. Could you please tell me how reliable it is?

Nurse: The doctor will explain it to you, but first, she will examine you to see whether hormonal contraception is suitable for you, and if it is, what type of hormonal contraception you should use.


Patient: I see. Ok. And what if it is not suitable for me?

Nurse: Hormonal contraception must not be prescribed to women who have a personal history of deep vein thrombosis or with a confirmed mutation in blood coagulation, causing an increase in blood clotting. It is also not suitable for women who have breast, ovarian or uterine cancer, if these cancers are hormone related. Additionally, it should not be given to women with uncontrolled high blood pressure, brittle (labile) diabetes, obese women, particularly smokers, or women over 35.


Patient: I don't suffer from any of these conditions, so it should be fine.

Nurse: I think so, too, but let's see what the doctor says. You are 19 years old, aren't you?


Patient: Yes, and I don't smoke and I'm not obese.

Nurse: Very good. Come on in, the doctor is expecting you. See what she says.


Patient: Ok, thank you.

Nurse: You are welcome.



náplast; páska; záplata; skvrna; místo


děložní tělísko, spirála; cívka; kotouč


kroužek; kruh; prsten

Health Insurance Card

průkazka zdravotního pojištění


spolehlivý, důvěryhodný; seriózní


zda, jestli


vhodný, vyhovující; přiměřený, adekvátní; způsobilý;

blood clotting

krevní sraženina

hormone related

související, závislý na hormonech

Lekce angličtiny pro časopis Florence připravuje překladatelská agentura ACP TRADUCTERA (www.traductera.com).


Ilustrační foto, zdroj: http://cs.medixa.org 

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