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Číslo 5 / 2015

Gestational Diabetes

Datum: 11. 5. 2015
Autor: Traductera
Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes mellitus affects as much as 17% of pregnant women, depending on diagnostic criteria. It is usually detected at blood screening, which is routinely done between weeks 24 and 28 of pregnancy. It affects women with hereditary predisposition, and the factor that triggers the onset of diabetes is an increasing level of pregnancy hormones and other substances during pregnancy.

Patient: Good morning, nurse. I would like to make an appointment with the doctor for an examination. The tests revealed I have gestational diabetes.

Nurse: Good morning, Ms Irons. I'll make the appointment in no time.


Patient: Thank you, that's very kind of you. I'm so worried. Is there a chance the disease might threaten my child?

Nurse: The doctor will tell you everything after she examines you. Generally speaking, though, there is low risk, comparable to normal physiology of a pregnancy, when the diabetes is treated well.


Patient: Well, I can't stop asking myself how it is possible as I've never been diagnosed with diabetes before.

Nurse: This type of diabetes affects women with hereditary predisposition and it is precisely pregnancy, or pregnancy hormones, that triggers it. And – as I can see – there is diabetes type 2 in your family history, isn't there?


Patient: Yes, my mother has it, and my grandmother had it, too.

Nurse: Well, this is one of the risk factors. As well as being aged over 30, high blood pressure, and a lack of physical activity.


Patient: Does it mean I'm going to have diabetes for the rest of my life?

Nurse: Gestational diabetes generally goes away after delivery, which is further checked with tests three to six months after delivery. However, it's a fact that women with gestational diabetes history are at much higher risk of developing diabetes type 2 at a later stage of their life. Well, your appointment is the day after tomorrow, at eight o'clock in the morning.


Patient: Thank you, nurse. Bye.

Nurse: Goodbye.  


dědičný, vrozený

to trigger

spustit, vyvolat, vyprovokovat; vystřelit, stisknout spoušť


propuknutí; příchod; útok


látka; hmota, materiál; podstata; závažnost

to reveal

odhalit; vyjevit, ukázat; vyzradit

in no time

hned, zanedlouho, za okamžik

to threaten

ohrožovat, vystavovat nebezpečí; hrozit, vyhrožovat


ačkoliv, i když, avšak, ale

for the rest of my life

po zbytek života, nadosmrti


porod; dodávka, dodání; doručení

Lekce angličtiny pro časopis Florence připravuje překladatelská agentura ACP TRADUCTERA (www.traductera.com).


Ilustrační foto, zdroj: http://www.bonella.cz

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