Číslo 11 / 2015
Parkinson's disease

Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative condition that affects the central nervous system and is directly associated with loss of nerve cells in part of the brain called the Substantia nigra. Under normal conditions, the cells produce dopamine, which is a neurotransmitter enabling the transmission of signals between nerve cells. A lack of dopamine leads to a patient's gradual inability to control and regulate movement.
Patient: Good morning, nurse. My father has been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. I'd like to ask the doctor what it is and what the symptoms are.
Nurse: Good morning, Mr Hopkins. Sure. Take a seat for a while, the doctor will call you in in a minute
Patient: In the meantime, could you tell me what the cause of this disease is?
Nurse: Unfortunately, we don't know the causes yet. One possible explanation is that genetic predisposition combined with environmental factors can have a negative impact on the human body. There has been a proven direct effect of heroin and other toxic substance abuse, and another detectable factor seems to be viral brain infection or repeated head injuries.
Patient: That’s not much comfort. What are the treatment possibilities?
Nurse: At present, Parkinson's disease cannot be cured with any medication or other methods known today. Drugs, however, can significantly improve the patient's quality of life.
Patient: And how does the disease progress?
Nurse: Symptoms and progression of the disease vary greatly from person to person. Nevertheless, Parkinson's disease has slow progression, taking the patient through four stages. The doctor will explain them to you. You can go in now.
Patient: Thank you, nurse.
Nurse: You're welcome.
condition |
onemocnění, potíže; stav; podmínka, předpoklad |
to enable |
umožnit |
inability |
neschopnost |
in the meantime |
mezitím, (pro)zatím |
to prove |
dokázat; usvědčit; vyzkoušet, podrobit zkoušce |
abuse |
užívání (drog), zneužívání, zneužití, nadměrná konzumace |
detectable |
prokazatelný; zjistitelný; slyšitelný |
repeated |
opakovaný, opětovný |
comfort |
útěcha, posila; komfort, pohodlí |
significantly |
významně, značně |
improve |
zlepšit; zvýšit; zdokonalit |
nevertheless |
nicméně, však; a přece |
stage |
stadium, fáze, stupeň; období, epocha; scéna, pódium, jeviště |
Lekce angličtiny pro časopis Florence připravuje překladatelská agentura ACP TRADUCTERA (www.traductera.com).
Ilustrační foto, zdroj: http://parkinson-ck.cz
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